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SCIP Intervention and Prevention Training

Tuesday, July 7, 20208:00 amFriday, July 10, 20204:00 pm

This training is going to be hosted via Zoom. Hard copies of the SCIP manual will be mailed to you prior to the training. Handouts and PowerPoint slides will be emailed to you along with a link to the training.

Participants who registered before May 15th and do not want to participate in a virtual format may request a full refund. Requests must be received by June 19th.

This training will provide you with the tools needed to recognize warning signs of at-risk behaviors and the ability to develop an appropriate plan to assist the student and his or her family through the process of getting the help they need. Local presenters will cover a variety of youth mental health and substance abuse trends, including vaping, human trafficking, trauma, internalizing behaviors and more. Participants will also complete group activities that will help them understand and apply the SCIP process.
This workshop is for new SCIP teams, new members joining existing SCIP teams, as a refresher for long-time team members, or for any other interested community member.