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Lincoln SCIP Summer Training

Tuesday, July 13, 2021Friday, July 16, 2021
Lincoln Medical Education Partnership-Lincoln

SCIP provides a systematic approach for schools and communities to respond to high-risk student behaviors. SCIP demonstrates to students that they are supported in seeking a healthy, productive lifestyle.

SCIP facilitates partnerships with schools and community agencies, identifying resources available to address problems related to mental health issues, student abuse of alcohol or other drugs, and other behavioral concerns.

Students are referred to the SCIP Team by teachers, parents, peers and other community members. The SCIP Team consists of school representatives trained to identify risk-factors, intervene and assist, connect with community agencies, and provide support for students and their families.

SCIP partners with community behavioral health agencies who provide the initial screening free of charge to students, removing one of the biggest barriers families encounter when accessing services.

This process helps students and families see that there is a caring, supportive attitude within the school and their community.