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By: Burnt Images

SCIP's 12th annual "Hop, SCIP, Jump and Run" brought to you by Complete Children's Health & Family Health & Wellness Center, P.C. is set to take place on June 6, 2025, at Antelope Park. All proceeds benefit School Community Intervention & Prevention (SCIP), a program of Lincoln Medical Education Partnership. 

Before the race, participants will have the opportunity to visit booths and activities to become eligible for prizes. For every stop made, a card will be stamped. Once the minimum number is reached, the participant will be eligible for a prize entry.  

SCIP works with schools throughout Nebraska by providing tools and resources to address behavioral and emotional health issues that impact children, adolescents, and their families. Annual trainings are also offered on a variety of behavioral and emotional health topics, like bullying, current drug trends, and suicide prevention, to the community and school staff. 

Money raised at the event will help SCIP provide needed resources to schools and families throughout the state of Nebraska. 

FREE TO ALL!! REGISTRATION REQUIRED FOR THE FUN RUN!  Just a reminder that this is a Rain or Shine event.