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Spring Conference - "Lying, Crying, & Fighting, Oh My! Supporting Students with Disruptive Behaviors"

Wednesday, March 22, 2023
8:00 am3:30 pm
241 Victory Lane
Lincoln Firefighters' Reception Hall
Lincoln, NE 68528

Keynote: Brian Mendler " That One Kid"

Brian Mendler has extensive experience working with challenging students in general education, self-contained, and inclusion settings. He provides staff development training for K-12 educators throughout the world with the focus on how to be successful with even the most difficult students. He trains thousands of educators every year, and is a highly regarded dynamic speaker. Brian has also authored and co-authored several books focusing on providing educators easy to use strategies for preventing and responding to difficult, disruptive, defiant, and unmotivated behaviors in the classroom.

As a result of this presentation, the participant will:
- Discover five main reasons for misbehavior and the best strategy to use for each one
- Learn the number one thing we can give students to help them be successful
- Learn five important strategies for working successfully with challenging youth.
Discover seven magic words that will change the life of any of your students immediately.

Followed By: Carrie Gottschalk "Trauma-Informed Strategies to Address Difficult Student Behaviors"

Carrie Gottschalk has spent nearly 30 years in the fields of education and mental and behavioral health working with children, adolescents and families. Her past professional experiences include Boys Town, Peru State College, CEDARS Youth Services, and private practice. Carrie specializes in early childhood mental health and trauma, with advanced training in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EMDR, Child Parent Psychotherapy, and Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. She is a certified trauma specialist, compassion fatigue professional, and mindfulness meditation teacher, and trainer in reflective practice and emotional intelligence.

As a result of this presentation, the participant will:
- Understand the need for a trauma-informed approach
- Differentiate between trauma-behaviors and defiance
- Learn trauma-informed strategies for supporting challenging behaviors

Followed by: Michelle Hughett "Addressing Conduct Disorders in the Classroom"

As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
-Define Conduct Disorders as Listed by the DSM-5
-Understand how antisocial behaviors develop over time and why
-Understand how to create a safe and predictable environment, and how that helps students
-Understand the role that trauma plays in learning
-Learn ways to manage themselves and avoid Conflict Cycles

Prior to joining Boys Town National Training, Michelle worked as a Director and Senior Administrator for Boys Town in the mental/behavioral health field for over 13 years. Through experiential education, she taught behavior based social and life skills to challenging populations with a variety of diagnoses including Autism Spectrum Disorder’s, ADHD, Conduct Disorder, and BiPolar Disorder. She has worked with educators and school administrators on how to effectively implement behavioral strategies in the classroom and school settings. Michelle holds a Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and is a Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner in the State of Nebraska and a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Missouri.